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Project setup - client-side

It’s not an easy task these days to set up a client-side application. There is now an explosion of technologies. You should know all these: npm, Node.js, Grunt, Gulp, Bower, Babel, ES2015, TypeScript, Less, Sass, Bootstrap, etc. Yes, of course there are seeds which allow a startup project to be ready to run but almost every one of them gives you something more than you need and when you use this kind of seed you may not know what’s really going on in the building process of your application.…

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Project setup - server-side

In this post, I am writing about how I set up the server-side of my project - Notifier. The application will consist of REST API and Angular 2 single page application. For now, both parts will be hosted in the same ASP .NET Core application. To create this project I used yo aspnet generator. If you want to find out how I installed these tools check out this post. I entered in terminal command yo aspnet and after this I saw the following output, which gave me a choice of project type.…

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My first ASP NET Core 1.0 web application

In this post, I will discuss how I tested my Ubuntu 14.04 if it is ready for creating the ASP .NET Core 1.0 application. I wrote here about how I configured my Ubuntu 14.04 to create ASP .NET Core 1.0 apps. So, let’s start with the first application. First, what I did was entering in the terminal the command: yo aspnet –help After this, I saw what I could do with Yeoman aspnet generator.…

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Installing ASP .NET Core 1.0 on Ubuntu 14.04

After my last impromptu post about Project Rider, I’m finally writing about the setup of my Linux environment for ASP .NET Core 1.0. I mentioned that I am going to play with ASP .NET Core 1.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 but for sure I’ll also play with it on Windows. However, in this post I will describe how I installed ASP .NET Core 1.0 on Ubuntu 14.04. I am not writing about how to install Ubuntu 14.04 itself, as it’s not the place and time to write about this.…

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I'm holding a Project Rider EAP

I planned for the next post in the “Daj się poznać” series to be about my Ubuntu environment setup but something pretty amazing happened to me yesterday evening - I got access to an EAP of Project Rider. So this is an impromptu post which fits very well into the “Daj się poznać” series and the post which I had planned about my Ubuntu environment setup will follow next week. I had hoped to get access to an EAP version of Project Rider and it happened yesterday at about 9pm when I opened my mailbox and saw an email from JetBrains.…

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"Daj się poznać" - Project details

This is my first post in the series “Daj się poznać”. I am going to mention the details of the project which I’ll be working on during the contest. I am going to create a simple yet powerful application which will allow me to add some events and notify me about them at a specific time via a specified medium. For starters, I am planing to implement sms and email notification but maybe in the future I’ll add the ability to send notifications to some IoT device.…

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Enrolling in "Daj się poznać"

Recently, Maciej Aniserowicz wrote on his blog about starting the second edition of the “Daj się poznać” competition. I’ve decided to take part in this challenge. I started my blog over three weeks ago and since then I have made two posts. I think that taking part in this contest will encourage me to have a more systematic approach to my blog. I think this contest will be a lot of fun and provide a lot of opportunities for me to learn new things.…

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