Migrating to ASP .NET Core RC2

After waiting for some time, I was happy when ASP.NET Core RC2 was recently released. This version should have debuted at the beginning of 2016, so imagine my anticipation and excitement to install it on my Linux machine and upgrade my project to this version. To install this version of ASP.NET Core I started on this page and then I chose Linux -> Ubuntu 14.04. I followed the step-by-step instructions provided and after a while I could run the command dotnet -h in my terminal, and I saw this: Now I could start to upgrade my project.…

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Experimenting with Angular2 CLI

During the keynote of ng-conf 2016, Brad Green presented a lot of cool stuff about Angular2 and one of them was a tool called Angular-CLI. Angular-CLI contains a bunch of simple commands to make your work easier with Angular2 projects. The tool essentially streamlines and simplifies your projects. I am always cautious about this kind of tool because often they create far more than you need and pollute your project but when used wisely, they can be helpful.…

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Upgrading to Angular2 RC1

The “Daj się poznać” contest is coming to an end and I have learned a lot and experimented with many things. I created a couple of sample projects but my main project was a bit neglected. It’s about time to speed up the development of my contest application. Since I’ve started working on that app, a lot changed. The biggest change was the new version of Angular2 which at the time of writing this post, is called: RC1.…

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How to avoid global installs with NPM scripts

Recently, I heard from a friend that he doesn’t know how to use Gulp and TypeScript locally, he only knows how to install them globally. I thought it could be an issue for others, and that’s why I decided to write this post. Using globally installed NPM packages can be very problematic, especially if you need these in different versions in a variety of projects. If you rely on global packages you don’t know what the dependencies of your project really are.…

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Google Identity Provider with IdentityServer4

In this post, I am going to continue my series about IdenityServer4. I will write about forcing IdentityServer to use Google as an external identity token provider. Before I started, I had to register the application that will interact with Google which in my case is IdSrvHost. I am going to reuse the application that I registered in this post. However, I altered the configuration of this application a bit by enabling access to Google+ API.…

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IdentityServer4 - accessing API

In the previous post, I wrote about how to get tokens from IdentityServer using a javascript client. In this post, I am going to write about how to use this token to get access to protected resources from a sample API. As in the previous post, to achieve my goal, I used samples provided on the github repository. In this repo folder I found a sample API which I copied into my local repository.…

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Getting started with IdentityServer4

I wrote in one of previous posts about my experiments with Google Identity Provider and Implicit Flow to get access tokens which allow me to fetch resources from API. I didn’t mention IdentityServer IdentityServer in these posts, which is becoming the default choice if you want to create an identity provider in ASP .NET. I did this deliberately because I had some experiences with IdentityServer 3 and I wanted to try something new.…

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ASP .NET Core Configuration

ASP .NET Core brings with it a lot of new things and concepts to the Web development on .NET framework. One of them is the new way to configure your application. In this post, I will look at the possibilities we have in this area. In the previous version of ASP .NET you used file Web.config to configure your application. Now you have more options: you can use json, ini, xml and you can even easily use environment variables to configure your app.…

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